These Game Conditions apply, until amended or revised, to the WHEEL OF FORTUNE LOTTO lottery game.
1.0 Rules
1.1 WHEEL OF FORTUNE® LOTTO is governed by the Rules Respecting Lottery Games of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (the “Corporation”) which are available upon request and which include limitations of liability.
1.2 Words used in the WHEEL OF FORTUNE® LOTTO Game Conditions which are used in the Rules Respecting Lottery Games shall have the same meaning as those used in the Rules Respecting Lottery Games.
2.0 Game Participation
- “Category” means the group of thirty-nine (39) Lotto Words for the draw component of the game. There are six (6) Categories of Lotto Words available for the WHEEL OF FORTUNE® LOTTO game.
- “Instant Prize Wheel” means a circle with twenty-four (24) sectors, with each sector representing a monetary prize or a “0” (zero) representing a non-winner for the instant component of the game.
- “Lotto Words” means the thirty-nine (39) words associated with a specific Category for the draw component of the game. For the purpose of the draw, each Lotto Word will be associated with a numerical number from one (1) to thirty-nine (39), inclusive;
- “selection” means a sector on the Instant Prize Wheel and six (6) Lotto Words from the same Category.
2.2 The WHEEL OF FORTUNE® LOTTO game consists of two components, an instant component and a draw component.
2.3 The instant component of the game features a spin of the Instant Prize Wheel, which may be shown on the customer display screen of the retailer terminal.
2.4 The draw component of the game features six (6) Lotto Words from the same Category of words.
2.5 The Corporation shall announce the Category of Lotto Words for the draw component of the game for the draw date(s). Unless otherwise specified by the Corporation, the Category shall be Canadian Things.
2.6 On occasion, the Corporation may announce and make available a non-monetary prize on the Instant Prize Wheel and replace the $10,000 top prize on the instant portion of the game.
2.7 A player may participate by Quick Pick play only.
2.8 A player may only purchase one selection per ticket, at a cost of $2 per ticket.
2.9 For each ticket requested and paid for, the on-line system shall:
- choose for the player a sector of the Instant Prize Wheel and six (6) Lotto Words from the same Category;
- display on the customer display screen of the retailer’s terminal (when available):
- a graphic of the Instant Prize Wheel as it is spinning, followed by a graphic of the Instant Prize Wheel with a pointer pointing to the sector of the wheel where it stopped spinning, (the Instant Prize Wheel spinning on the customer display screen of the retailer’s terminal is for entertainment purposes and has no bearing on whether a prize will be won; instant prize wins are determined by a random number generator.).
- print a ticket that will display:
- a graphic of a portion of the Instant Prize Wheel with the pointer identifying which sector of the Instant Prize Wheel the spin landed on;
- the Category and the six (6) Lotto Words for the draw component of the game;
- the applicable draw date the ticket is eligible for;
- the time (Eastern time) the ticket is printed by the retailer’s terminal (which may be different than the time in the central computer-controlled on-line system, that directly control the terminals);
- a message that will display whether the ticket is a winner or a non-winner on the instant component of the game;
- the dollar amount wagered; and
- other information pertinent to the game.
3.0 The Draw
3.1 Unless otherwise announced by the Corporation, on every day from Monday to Sunday, inclusive, the Corporation shall draw at random, by electronic means, six (6) numbers from the class of thirty-nine (39) consecutive numbers from one (1) to thirty-nine (39). The on-line system shall then convert each of the numbers drawn to their associated Lotto Word for the Category for that draw. The associated Lotto Words are referred to as the “winning Lotto Words” or the “winning numbers”. The draw shall be for the draw component of the game.
3.2 Categories and word lists for WHEEL OF FORTUNE® LOTTO are as follows:
CANADIAN THINGS/Très canadiens | FOOD & DRINK/Aliments | ANIMALS/Animaux | ACTIVITIES/Activités | HOLIDAY/Fêtes | DESTINATIONS/Destinations | Associated Numeric |
BACON bacon | BAGEL bagel | ALLIGATOR alligator | BADMINTON badminton | BELLS cloches | BANGKOK bangkok | 1 |
BEARS ours | BAGUETTE baguette | BEAGLE beagle | BALLET ballet | CANDLES chandelles | BARCELONA barcelone | 2 |
BEAVER castor | BARBECUE barbecue | BISON bison | BASEBALL baseball | CANDY bonbon | BEIJING beijing | 3 |
CANOE canot | BEANS haricots | CAT chat | BIATHLON biathlon | CARDS cartes | BERLIN berlin | 4 |
CEDAR cèdre | BURRITO burrito | CHINCHILLA chinchilla | BOBSLEIGH bobsleigh | CAROLS chants | CALGARY calgary | 5 |
CHIPMUNK suisse | CHEDDAR cheddar | CHIPMUNK suisse | BOWLING bowling | CHIMNEY cheminée | CANCUN cancun | 6 |
COTTAGE chalet | COFFEE café | COYOTE coyote | BOXING boxe | COLD froid | CASABLANCA casablanca | 7 |
CURLING curling | CROISSANT croissant | CROCODILE crocodile | CAMPING camping | DECEMBER décembre | CHICAGO chicago | 8 |
DEER chevreuil | FENNEL fenouil | DOG chien | CRICKET cricket | ELF lutin | COLOMBO colombo | 9 |
DONUTS beignes | GRANOLA granola | DUCK canard | CROQUET croquet | FEAST festin | COPENHAGEN copenhague | 10 |
FISH poisson | GUACAMOLE guacamole | EAGLE aigle | CURLING curling | FESTIVAL festival | DELHI delhi | 11 |
FISHING pêche | GYRO gyro | ELK cerf | CYCLING cyclisme | FROSTY givre | DHAKA dhaka | 12 |
FOREST forêt | HAMBURGER hamburger | FOX renard | DANCE danse | GIFTS cadeaux | DUBAI dubaï | 13 |
FREEDOM liberté | HUMMUS hummus | GAZELLE gazelle | FISHING pêche | GREETINGS souhaits | DUBLIN dublin | 14 |
HOCKEY hockey | LETTUCE laitue | GIRAFFE girafe | FOOTBALL football | HOLIDAY fêtes | ISTANBUL istanbul | 15 |
INUKSHUK inukshuk | LIME lime | GOOSE oie | GOLF golf | HOLLY houx | JAKARTA jakarta | 16 |
LACROSSE lacrosse | MACARONI macaroni | GORILLA gorille | HOCKEY hockey | ICICLES glaçons | KARACHI karachi | 17 |
LUMBERJACK bûcheron | MEATBALL boulette | HAMSTER hamster | JOGGING jogging | JOLLY joie | LAGOS lagos | 18 |
MAPLE érable | MELON melon | HERON héron | JUDO judo | LIGHTS lumières | LIMA lima | 19 |
MITTENS mitaines | MUFFIN muffin | JAGUAR jaguar | KARATÉ karaté | LISTS listes | LONDON londres | 20 |
MOOSE orignal | OLIVE olive | KOALA koala | KAYAK kayak | MERRY joyeux | MANILA manille | 21 |
MOUNTAINS montagnes | ONION oignon | LION lion | LACROSSE lacrosse | MISTLETOE gui | MIAMI miami | 22 |
NORTH nord | ORANGES oranges | LIZARD lézard | LUGE luge | ORNAMENT décoration | MILAN milan | 23 |
PADDLE pagaie | PANCAKE crêpe | LOBSTER homard | POLO polo | PEACE paix | MONTREAL montréal | 24 |
PINE pin | PIZZA pizza | MARLIN marlin | RAFTING rafting | PRESENTS présents | MOSCOW moscou | 25 |
POUTINE poutine | POPSICLE popsicle | MOOSE orignal | READING lecture | REINDEER renne | MUMBAI mumbai | 26 |
PRAIRIES prairies | QUINOA quinoa | PANDA panda | RUGBY rugby | REUNION réunion | OTTAWA ottawa | 27 |
PUCK rondelle | RAVIOLI ravioli | PARROT perroquet | RUNNING course | RUDOLPH rodolphe | PARIS paris | 28 |
SALMON saumon | SALAMI salami | PYTHON python | SAILING voile | SLED traîneau | ROME rome | 29 |
SCARF foulard | SCALLOPS pétoncles | RAT rat | SKIING ski | SNOW neige | SANTIAGO santiago | 30 |
SHOVEL pelle | SPAGHETTI spaghetti | SCORPION scorpion | SNOOKER snooker | STOCKINGS bas | SEOUL séoul | 31 |
SKATES patins | SPINACH épinard | SERPENT serpent | SOCCER soccer | TIDINGS voeux | SHANGHAI shanghai | 32 |
SKIING ski | STEAK steak | SHARK requin | SOFTBALL softball | TINSEL guirlande | STOCKHOLM stockholm | 33 |
SNOW neige | SUSHI sushi | TIGER tigre | SQUASH squash | TOYS jouets | SYDNEY sydney | 34 |
SNOWMOBILE motoneige | TACO taco | TOUCAN toucan | TAEKWONDO taekwondo | TRADITION tradition | TAIPEI taipei | 35 |
SYRUP sirop | TANGERINE tangerine | TURKEY dinde | TENNIS tennis | TREE arbre | TOKYO tokyo | 36 |
TOBOGGAN toboggan | TAPIOCA tapioca | WALLABY wallaby | TRIATHLON triathlon | WINTER hiver | TORONTO toronto | 37 |
TOQUE tuque | TOFU tofu | WHALE baleine | WALKING marche | WRAPPING emballage | VANCOUVER vancouver | 38 |
WINTER hiver | TORTILLA tortilla | WOLF loup | YOGA yoga | WREATH couronne | VARADERO varadero | 39 |
4.0 Prize Structure and Liability Limit
4.1 Prize structure for the instant component
- A “winning ticket” for the instant component of the game means a ticket that bears a graphic of the Instant Prize Wheel with the pointer pointing to a sector of the Instant Prize Wheel displaying a prize amount. The prizes that are available on the instant component of the game are as set out in paragraph 4.1(b).
Instant Prizes Odds of Winning 1 in $10,000 296,602 $1,000 105,246 $250 34,343 $25 593 $10 148 $5 74.9 $3 14.7 $2 3.8 - An instant win winning ticket remains eligible to win a prize on the draw component of the game for that draw. (See paragraphs 5.3 and 5.4).
4.2 Prize structure for the draw component
- Winning tickets for the draw component are determined based on the Lotto Words and the winning Lotto Words for that draw. Prizes are based on the following fixed prize structure:
* Liability limit, see paragraph 4.2 (c).Number of Winning Lotto Words Matched Prize* Odds of Winning 1 in 6 of 6 $100,000 3,262,623.0 5 of 6 $500 16,477.9 4 of 6 $20 411.9 3 of 6 $3 29.9 - A winner of a draw prize is entitled to only one draw prize per ticket.
- The Corporation limits the total prize amount payable on the draw portion of the game (6 of 6, 5 of 6, 4 of 6 and 3 of 6) to two million dollars ($2,000,000) per draw. Should the aggregate of the prizes on the draw portion of the game that are available to be won by all winning tickets in any draw result in the draw portion of the game exceeding two million dollars ($2,000,000), the prize amounts on the draw portion of the game are reduced and are determined in proportion to the amount that would, except for this provision, otherwise have been won on the draw.
5.0 Conditions
5.1 A player must pay the retailer for his/her ticket, and the retailer must receive such payment, prior to the retailer delivering the ticket to the player.
5.2 A player may not request the ticket to be cancelled, and the retailer may not cancel it, after the ticket has printed.
5.3 Instant winning prizes may be awarded before the draw, after the ticket is issued and payment for the ticket is received.
5.4 When an instant win winning ticket is redeemed before the draw has taken place, the Corporation shall deliver to the player a ticket receipt (an Exchange Ticket) for the corresponding draw and a validation slip (customer receipt) containing information relating to the WHEEL OF FORTUNE LOTTO Instant Prize(s) already redeemed.
6.0 Miscellaneous
6.1 The Corporation may amend the Game Conditions at any time and in any manner.
6.2 The headings in these Game Conditions are for convenience of reference only and do not affect the interpretation of these Game Conditions.
6.3 Unless otherwise specified by the Corporation, these Game Conditions are confirmed to be effective as of June 24, 2014.
June 24, 2014